Listener Supported Since 1975


DLR Morning Schedule

DLR airs listener-supported public radio in Bismarck, North Dakota from 5:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.
You can Listen Live to streaming audio of our broadcast or download programs from our Podcast.
Please refer below for our current morning schedule.

DLR · 4300 Magnolia Lane · Bismarck, ND 58504 · (701) 555 - 5611
all times central
time mon tue wed thu fri sat sun
5:00 dawn air dawn air weekends sunday magazine
7:00 local news weekend wrap> radio U
7:30 world news feed
8:00 classical roots what can you say? university on the air
9:30 animal talk
10:00 symphony city wordplay
10:30 brain stew
11:00 opera live from the east the inner mind
11:30 grammer rules II
12:00 book club weekend wrap
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